Local Microlot Artisan Roasted Coffee

Finally, coffee that has a flavor
other than bitter.

Great Coffee Doesn't Happen By Accident

Truly Great Coffee

You have many options in the coffee market today. What sets our coffee apart from the rest? Truly great coffee should never be bitter or sour. It should never taste burnt. Great coffee should be smooth, full-bodied, and have distinct but subtle flavor notes. The after-taste should be enjoyable.

If this doesn’t describe your current coffee experience, welcome to the Brew-38 journey.

Great Coffee From Bean to Brew

It begins with carefully hand-picked coffee beans from the finest plants in the world. Beans are chosen from regions around the world, known for their unique flavors, which produce coffee with the highest possible score in the cupping process.

Why Our Coffee Model Matters

It’s not just about us. We are graced to share this planet with others, including those who are less fortunate than us. Because we’ve been given so much, we are here to do our part to give back. This begins with ethically sourcing coffee to help coffee farmers in countries all over the globe..

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Billed Monthly

2 x 12oz. Bags of Brew:38 Coffee Delivered to your door every month

Monthly Subscriptions


Billed Monthly

1 x 12oz. Bag of Brew:38 Coffee Delivered to your door every month


©2020 Brew:38 Coffee Roasters